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rocketpig said:
badgenome said:

Because federal overreach has led to people like Ron Paul fetishizing states' rights as much as leftists fetishize the federal government (if not moreso). The fact that states' rights are only as good as their contribution to freedom seems to be lost on them.

And yeah, Paul has been pushing this piece of legislation for almost a decade now.

Heh, yes. Apparently "states rights" is supposed to mean "let's allow states to oppress the minority population".

I'm totally digging the idea of Texas making homosexuality a felony and the Federal courts not being able to do a damned thing about it. I mean, that's fair, right? Right?!?!

It's all about stopping the federal government from trampling states' rights so that those states can feel free to trample the rights of their own citizenry unabated. Yee hah. America, fuck yeah.

I completely agree with ya rocketpig. I think it's time for progressives/libetarians or the ron paul types to talk and work out difference's. Move to get all the corporatist out. I think both have good and bad ideas but with the right amount of both, just perfect.  I don't care for his policies on The EPA, basically would allow states to make there own rules. So if your down stream from a state that says it's ok to dump oil, to bad, you got cancer.  Imagine what the oil companies would do for oil, all our drinking water would be destroyed but hey thats all good. Lets not forget the food wouldn't be properly inspected, sh-t it's already under inspected but hey lets keep giving all our money to the rich, then blame the poor. Do you know that almost all the homeless are veterans. This country is a disgrace! So are the people that love money so much(you know who you are!) that they would rather give mitt romney a tax break then give a vet that served us, a place to live.  A majority of them got all sort of disabilities from the wars but we just through them out like trash. What a disgrace.  Point and fact=