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Urggg dreadful article that has basically been written a million times before. Same old variation of Bioware is right, gamers are whiners.

Seriously changing the ending devalued artistic integrity? So all movies that have test screenings have no artistic integrity? Or how about the fact that the Mass Effect series has vital information to the plot sold separately, features in game prompts to buy separate material, features an in game store etc etc. None of this is raised in your article because........ Oh right you are trying to get into an industry that must only say nice things about the companies.

Your point about music and the internet I don't even understand. As it seems to directly contradict everything that the internet did for music. Where it became far easier to discover non-mainstream bands, for things to spread etc.

In fact your example of how it would never happen in other industries is Titanic.... a movie where scenes were cut after test screenings. Did you bother to research that? Someone also mentioned Blade Runner. This was considered art for years, long before we actually got the intended version that hadn't been changed due to audience reaction, studio reaction etc

I think this quote from you says everything needed
''Exactly Bioware didn't have to change the ending of THEIR own work but, because of a bunch of angry keyboard warriors who didn't like the ending Bioware bent over and decided to change it. Instead what they should have said was: This is the game, if you don't like it then don't buy it.
Thankfully though, the game is universally aclaimed by professional in the games industry.''
So gamers = angry keyboard warriors. Bioware = Universally acclaimed creators.
You may as well just admit you don't care about journalism and simply want to get paid to write about games.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.