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Troll_Whisperer said:
SeductiveReasoning said:
kowenicki said:

Nicely written. 

Actually, I think it's pretty badly written.

There are a lot of words just taking up space, the author's point is almost entirely unsupported, and the title is very misleading.

The writing level is very high school-esqe.  The author is in that awkward phase where he's just discovered relative clauses but doesn't know how to use them properly or with moderation.  This level of comma abuse would make an English teacher cry:

maverick40 said:

It can be a well, or poorly, executed process, there are, after all, good and bad games.

I wish schools would provide more writing courses to students.  In an era where anyone can write something and post it for others to read, good writing skills have never been more necessary.

Indeed, one of the most important rules of journalism is using as few commas as possible. Without changing a word in that sentence, it could improve with better use of commas and full stops.

It can be a well or poorly executed process. There are after all good and bad games.

Cheers for the feedback man, much appreciated!