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d21lewis said:
h2o1977 said:
SunofKratos said:
d21lewis said:
Looks even better than The Last of Us!!

*sits back and smiles*

Nah i dont really think so.

And guess what God of war Ascention will beat both from a graphic side.

All 3 games will be out during the same time.

The Last of Us and God of war Ascention will be PS3 exclusives.

Tomb Raider will be available for all consoles and PC whihc is great for all gamers,

and its Lara Croft fresh out of college in Japan.

God of war Ascention will be continuing the story line it has already,

and its brininging new an 8 player online multiplayer.

The Last of US has elements of Silent Hill, Uncharted and Dead Rising combine..

All 3 games should be interesting to play.

But if you have a PS3 you can get all 3 and enjoy them.

Tis true.  Playstation gamers (which includes me) will really have it good when these games hit.  It's just that sometimes, some PS3 owners seem to hate on a game if it somehow compares/competes with Sony's titles, even if they can play both games on the PS3.  It's like when Prototype came out at the same time as inFamous.  Even though PS3 gamers had access to both titles, they felt like inFamous was their enemy.  It's happened with a few other games, too.  "A friend of my enemy is my enemy"  I guess.

Nobody seems to be taking that stance with this game, though.  That's a good thing.  I loved Legend, Underworld, and Anniversary and this game looks to easily eclipse all three of those titles.  I like it when more people like a game that I like.  It makes for fun discussions about the game instead of console pissing matches.  I had to test the waters, though.

Tomb Raider is going to be a great game no doubt about it.

That is what is bad about PS3 marketing department, scheduling exclusives games to go against

each other, makes no sense.   Nintendo is the only company who spreads out their big title games

over a 1 year span.  Where you get a big title game every 3 to 4 months. Giving gamers time

to play and enjoy a new game, before the next one hits.  Sony, since the PS2, has release game

after game after game, no matter if its good or bad.  Thus they have no establish game that can

lead the console.