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Perhaps it is the anarchist in me, but I suspect that this rumor coming true is highly likely. Some six months after the PS3 release the game will arrive on the Wii and on the 360. While there are technical hurdles they are most certainly not insurmountable. Compress cut scenes into small video files which the Wii can indeed run. Remove the more advanced graphical features entirely gloss, blur, and particle effects. The Wii could easily run the bare bones of the game, and it would still look competent for the platform.

I think thats what some posters are forgetting, and I thought Sony would have taught them this by now its easier to rip features out of a product rather then try any form of convoluted reworking. The Wii can't handle the gloss effect just tear it out of the code. Eventually you will get to a graphical quality the Wii can handle.

I suspect if Konami is building a version for the 360 they would direct a skeleton crew towards shredding it until it fit on the Wii. Based on their comments last year about Sony I really do not see any brand loyalty in their future. I hope they would do a decent job with the 360 port, but given the Wii limitation I doubt they would bend over backwards, or even consider it a matter of any great importance. They already seem to think the average Wii owner places very little emphasis on graphics. They would probably be right in that regard.