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Walkthrublazer3 27 minutes ago

"When asked if gap between Wii U and Durango will be a gap like "PS2 and Xbox 1" or "Dreamcast and Xbox 1"...he said...

"Difficult to measure ... But i think Is more Like the Second one (Sorry about the capital letters I'm On ny iPhone XD)
"Dang! Well If it's true us Nintendo fans will be with the underpowered console again. Which really doesn't bother except for the fact that the 3rd party developers will make all their games for the New Xbox and PS4 and ignore the Wii-U"

Yeah just like Shenmue 2, it was ported to Xbox and was xactly the same game, no graphical improvement at all...
im pretty sure Dreamcast could handle Xbox your point is pointless...