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I think so too.

Post 1:

"I'll put wiiu as a low specs Pc compared to the others (durango, PS4) with the actual data"

Post 2:

"Ps4 is not final yet and can change a lot but Xbox 3 it's more or less clear right now and the gap is big in almost every part "

Post 3:

When someone said nobody will notice a major difference in graphics between Wii U and other consoles, the person disagreed.

"mmm no, it will be noticeable (technically speaking)."

Post 4:

When asked if gap between Wii U and Durango will be a gap like "PS2 and Xbox 1" or "Dreamcast and Xbox 1"...he said...

"Difficult to measure ... But i think Is more Like the Second one (Sorry about the capital letters I'm On ny iPhone XD)"

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3