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Thanks! I post them when I can!

Also, Unreal Engine 4 will be shown off for 30 minutes on Spike.

Q: Are we going to see a full reveal of Unreal Engine 4?

Geoff: Yes, we will be unveiling Unreal Engine 4 during E3 week on Spike. I went down to Epic and filmed with Cliff, Tim Sweeney and the whole crew. Full half-hour special on the engine and tech.

Q: F-yes. Hopefully it will be a treat for people more into the development side and the gritty details, not just the “Those graphics are so graphic!”. But I guess all that info will come out sooner rather than later anyway. :)

Geoff: For sure, we are showing off the editor and a lot of the tech. Very in depth, glad to hear you are excited!

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3