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NightDragon83 said:
Mr Khan said:
I'm torn. I was always intrigued by CD's intention to make this very survival-oriented, but the more i actually see the less i seem to like it.

Granted, it likely will never come to a platform i own anyway, but this title has at least held my interest.

And what platforms are those?  Wii? SEGA systems?  Sine it's been delayed, the game's more than likely to come to all 3 HD consoles when it's released next year, and once the Wii U hits there will no longer be any excuses for "Wii only" gamers to be stuck in the past.

As for the new TR... Lara Croft is one hot piece of ACE in this game!  She puts all the old versions of Lara (including the Angelina Golie movie versions) to shame.

Wii U. My bets are on "no" for this game.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.