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HappySqurriel said:

Wow, the most negative comment so far ... I'm sure that I'd be crying mysefl to bed after someone said "there's so much promise to the premise, and Factor 5 is such a reliably excellent developer, that I think there's plenty to be excited about this summer. " about my game ...


It wasn't until the game was practically complete that people started to say anything (really) negative and even then there was little indication that they would end up reviewing the game with a score of 40% to 60%.

I'm not really sure what to make of your "Wow..." comment. I wasn't trying to start an argument, just pointing out how some games are retrospectively cast in a different light. With the exception of the Gamespot (!) article, all of the articles you link to point out the games graphical glitches, control issues, and camera problems (as was my original contention). None of them are particularly glowing. It is true what you say about journalists putting a positive spin on their previews, and I agreed with you on that point. However, it is also clear from those previews that most people expected Lair to have some serious problems. As I mentioned, this was made clear at least 6 months before the game was released. Nevertheless, since Lair was released to poor reviews, many people have tried to suggest that Lair was hyped to be a great game. It wasn't. Neither was Heavenly Sword. Nor, for that matter, was the original Killzone. Although some lazy hack journos may have dubbed KZ a "halo-killer", the game was not really hyped at all. Personally, I had never even heard of it until the notorious KZ2 footage from E3 started to stir up controversy. Nobody I know that owned a PS2 had ever heard of it either, as it was a minor game from an unproven developer that received little attention. The same can not be said of KZ2, which has been hyped massively (probably a lot more than it deserves to) and is expected to be a flagship title for the PS3.

None of which has any bearing on whether or not KZ2 will be any good. Given that so little has been exhibited so far, that is anybody's guess. Surfer Girl is anybody, and her guess is that it wll be "barely mediocre".