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Today's game to hype:









Shown at last years E3, New Super Mario Bros. Mii was mostly there to showcase the Wii U controller, though apparently it's destined for far greater things as it turns out that it is indeed going to have a full retail release. In a way though I'm kind of hoping what we saw last year isn't in fact the final product, or even close to it. Sure it looks pretty in HD, but Nintendo can do so much better. What we were shown looks nothing more than just the Wii game with a few new enhancements. The art style is the same that we've seen countless times, and the gameplay doesn't seem to have changed either. Then again I guess if it's not broken, don't fix it. It's just that I'd much prefer to see something else from a new entry in the series. Perhaps another Yoshi's Island... I still think that game looks fantastic, and with the help of Wii U's hardware they could achieve something incredibly beautiful. Or perhaps a side-scrolling Galaxy game ^_^. I just don't want this game to be nothing more than a cash cow. Nintendo has proven countless times that they are very imaginative, so hopefully they put some of it to use with NSMB Mii. Pessimism aside, I am looking forward to whatever they show us during their press conference. Who knows, they might surprise us (fingers crossed >_<).






