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Chark said:

Aren't you jumping the gun a little bit? The system hasn't been out very long so how can you suggest creating new successful IP's as being a struggle? This is commonplace for a new system. To create new quality IP's developers need time, to sell to great success they need a larger install base. This does not happen in the first few months of a console's lifespan.

I said that it can be a struggle to make new successful franchises, which is true. Vita has had a lot of time already to prepare new quality IP's (spawning Gravity Daze and such) and even though they obviously can't have a very large install base after just a few months fact remain that the system is selling slowly.

Well hopefully Gravity Rush and Resistance Burning Skies do well.

I hope so too.

I know it's your own opinion but playing a full console feature game on the vita is immersive, the screen is large and of great quality for a handheld and right in front of you. The sound is good on the system and if needed can be improved through headphones(earbuds, earcups, even bluetooth). Also, the glory of the handheld console is its portability. It sounds from reading your posts that you are letting your own personal opinion cloud your view on what consumer opinion is, last gen having sold around 230 million handheld gaming consoles, comparible to current home console sales. You could almost say that for every gamer that would prefer to play on the home console there would be a gamer who would prefer to play on a handheld console.

I don't doubt that the hardware is very impressive, but the whole gaming experience is far more enjoyable on the big screen when playing realistic- and hardcore games. 

Underlined: You can't compare present to last gen in this case though. The smartphone market has exploded and everyone is playing mobile games like crazy. PSP had the PS2 glory and hardcore titles (such as GTA, which can now be played on mobile phones) to back its sales up, and Nintendo had the now smaller casual market (plus the core Nintendo fans). Both sides has some of their previous support cut off

I'm not sure where you heard that the Vita online store was expensive, most likely some hate fuelled speech. Most, but not every, Vita title on PSN is at a 10% discount from their retail counterpart. So Uncharted: GA the only $50 Vita game is $44.99, Little Deviants is $26.99 instead of $30, Lumines at $35.99 instead of $40. Digital only titles are, as expected, cheaper than if they appeared on retail. Escape plan for $15, Mutant Blobs Attack for $8. Minis and PSP titles are the same price as they always are for the PS3/PSP. It is no steam yet, but they operate without the risk of retailler backlash or competition that would steal retail space.

It was not a hate fuelled speech, it was a video review which showed that the prices were equally as high as retail games'. That was back when the system released though, so I guess they've made the content cheaper by now. It still doesn't compare to the ridiculously low prices of smartphones though. Sure, the games are way more advanced and offer more content, but the smartphone games offer more content per dollar.