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BasilZero said:
NintendoPie said:
BasilZero said:
Final Fantasy! (not a port/remake but a new installation such as FFType-0 for the US or a new one completely for Japan)

Yes, but, USA seems to have fallen out of love for the series. Do you think putting it on the bad-selling Vita would help that much?

If FFXIII-2 sold about 1 million+ in the US, I'm pretty sure it still has life in the series.

The Vita might be bad at the selling rates, but each week the numbers add together (and life time sales is what counts), I am pretty sure there are alot of FF fans who purchased a PSvita by now and alot more who are waiting for a E3 announcement of FFType-0 or some sort of new FF game (excluding FFX Vita which is being considered as a HD Port right now).

What? Vita is going down almost every week everywhere.
The amount it sells each week in total is what really matters, it shows how it'll perform long-term.