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Conegamer said:

As I see it, even creating new successful IP's could be a struggle for the company.

If they create a hardcore title, then it's not very likely to sell very well (as far as I know, feel free to prove me wrong) and even if it somehow would, then people would demand a superior home console version.

And if they create a casual title, it's not very likely to sell well because of all the competition from smartphones and the 3DS. On top of that: Casuals mostly prefer their games cheap, but from what I have heard the online store for the Vita is very expensive. (again, feel free to fill me in)

You're pretty much bang on. Sony is really stuck now. They can't create a new IP as it may not sell (Gravity Rush if you look at pre-orders), they can't create a console experience because people will get it on the consoles (Mortal Kombat), Nintendo have taken Monster Hunter for at least another 2-3 years I'd say, and as the sales continue to fall, 3rd parties will begin to lose confidence and move over to the 3DS or can the games altogether (Assassin's Creed 3DS).

No 3rd party game sold that good on the 3 ds(1 mill+). None that I can think of at least.