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I'm asking this because I am genuinely curious.

It seems to me like all possible system sellers like Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Gran Turismo and Uncharted have superior versions on the PS3, which should halt their performance significantly. It just doesn't make sense to play games with deep stories or games that are heavily reliant on graphics and realism on a portable console: On the road, you won't get the same sensation as you would at the comfort of your home , while at home it wouldn't make much sense to play Call of Duty on a small system with tiny sticks, poor sound, a small screen and loading times slower than the system's sales when there's a PS3 right next to you. (Not to mention that you would look like a total nerd playing hardcore games in public...)

So, what do you think? Will the old system sellers actually push sales, or will Sony be forced to create new IP's specifically designed for the hardware like Nintendo's Brain Training and Nintendogs?