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d21lewis said:

Well, that didn't last long.

I was so pissed at Street Fighter X Tekken that I swore I'd never buy a Capcom game, ever again.  Then, I turned right around and bought Dragon's Dogma on day one.  Was it worth a buy?  I'm gonna have to say yes.  The game has some flaws but it's all I can think of.

First off, the create a character is pretty good.  Nothing outstanding but still quit satisfying.  I got the 360 version and I installed it to the HDD.  It initially had some very noticeable screen tearing, but I either quit noticing it or it simply went away.  Environments are great.  In my opinion, it's every bit as good graphically as The Witcher 2 and looks better than Dragon Age.  It does have a lot of graphical glitches, though.  In fact, it may be the glitchiest game I've ever played but somehow, I overlook all of its flaws.

Story is pretty non-existent.  In the beginning, a Dragon steals your heart.  You don't die.  Instead, you embark on a quest to get your heart back.  All in all, the game is pretty standard.  Where it excells in the combat.  I really enjoy it.  Like Xenoblade, I always find myself looking for trouble to get into.  Sometimes I get in over my head but the game never ceases to be fun.  Traveling is a chore.   I wish there was a horse or something to find.  Maybe later down the line.

What I like the most is the "Pawn System".  Early in the game, you create a traveling companion.  You give them a personality and a skill set and you clad them in armor.  They advance in skill right along side you.  The cool thing is that other gamers will hire your pawn and take them on adventures.  Your pawn will return and bring back knowledge of quests they completed while someone else was playing with them, loot, and skills.  It's awesome!  At the same time, you can hire two pawns to carry along with you own your quest.  You can't really customize them but you'll see them grabbing loot and learning from your quests when you do something their creator hasn't done.  When they go back to the other person's game, you can rate them on appearance, helpfulness, and more.  It's deeper than this but you get the idea.  I hope to see this feature stolen/ripped-off as soon a possible!

Capcom is still up to their old tricks, charging us for quests that are locked on the disc, hair styles to create your characters with, and even experience points.  What I consider a new low:  Many of (If not all of) these "DLC's" can only be used ONCE.  You buy them, use them one time, and you have to pay to use them again.  What in the fucking fuck?

Still, this game manages to be more than the sum of its parts.  For all of its flaws, I can't stop playing it.  Give it a try.


For those of you that have played it, what do you think?

I was wondering how far their thievery went and if it were simply skins and the like I would be fine with it but to lock missions on the disc is unacceptable (if entirely expected considering their recent actions) but even then I could possibly, begrudgingly, still have bought the game. But to repeatedly lock that content away from you even after you buy it for a second time is simply too far (as far as I understand it that means that for every play-through if you wanted to play the content you had already paid for you would again have to pay for it, yes?). So a game that may well be a game I would enjoy, it does look very good, has instead become one I will forever boycott out of principle.