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First of all the Kyoto protocol was a sham by the liberals to pretend to act on the environment.
The Cons just say F*(* the environment.

Both are acting wrong really.

Quebec is sort of seen as a just a strange wierd place from the rest of Canada these days. The tensions between Quebec and the rest of Canada will increase especially with the West growing in power.

Before it was Ontario, Rest of Canada and Quebec.
Now its Ontario, Quebec, Rest of Canada and The West.

"Alot of ppl use the argument that we have the lowest tuition fees in Canada, This is thrue but we are also those who pay the most taxes in the country and by far. We also have the lowest minimum salary cap. So it's rly hard to compare."

Yes even with billions from other provinces you guys still cannot afford the social programs?
What does that mean?
The local Quebec economy is far too weak to support such programs...

Thats we always laugh at Quebeckers.

We hate the oilsands!!!
We want more money from equalization.

Just shut up already!!

If you want to make a socialist state go ahead, but do so on your own dime.


I live in Ontario and I thought we had the award for being the stupidist province but at least people in Ontario have realiized that its a brave new world.