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Your bias is truly troubling, but it also highlights how little you actually think of the current PS3 library. In answer to your question Ratchet was to be the counter to Mario, and Unreal Tournament was supposed to be the counter to Halo 3. Notice how they are the same genres, and notice how close they fell to their rivals.

The Ratchet, and Clank series is the Super Mario of PS platforms. That is their answer to Mario. From my understanding they are usually of a high quality, and are usually highly rated. That was the Sony counter punch. I know you must be annoyed that it fell on deaf ears, but the game was a incredibly solid effort. The problem is that nobody can beat Mario he is the god of his particular genre.

Unreal Tournament a series know for its multi player with strong brand recognition. Sounds like a contender against a certain green armored soldier to me. Yes the delays probably hurt the title when compared to its rival, but that doesn't mean it wasn't the intent of Sony for it to rival the good old chief in the market place.

You talk about future PS3 announcements at the upcoming shows, but you ignore a few major problems. The first problem was mentioned Sony unloaded a great many secret projects last year. Most which would not make it to market for well over a year perhaps even two years. Second Sony has lost a step in the area of developer confidence. Nintendo tore them a new one, and Microsoft actually beat them in the market. With the lowest user base of all the platforms its easy to see why it might be hard for them to secure exclusive third party rights based on position alone. Finally we have our old friend development costs which are still much higher on the PS3, and require developers to sell a large number of games to reach profitability.

Sony smashed their piggy bank of secrets. They came in third last year. Their console is the most expensive to develop for. They don't even have the large user base cushions their rivals have. The result and give me a drum roll please. Sony isn't going to have the same kind of third party presence that Nintendo is going to get through its astronomical sales, or the kind that Microsoft is getting with its almost obscene attach rate. Which means Sony probably has to pay for its third party exclusives through the teeth, and they are hardly in a position to spend even more money.

By the way before you say first party developers. I would add that I could list off a dozen Sony studios that rapid fire only the finest crap. They have a few good studios, but the massive majority of their studios are not what you would call quality developers.

You know it seems every manufacturer needs quality third party support. That was the problem with the Dreamcast it didn't have a lot of that. Well maybe not Nintendo, but who said life was fair. Sony most certainly cannot hold its own on first party titles if thats what your thinking.