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ZenfoldorVGI said:

My issue is that the I actually think snaking is a difficult maneuver to pull off effectively, depending on the area of the stage.

Areas that have lots of turns strung together are tricky to drift through correctly, and I like that aspect of it.  I don't like the aspect where you go faster down a straight piece of track by snaking back and forth.

The one problem with the original games was rubberband AI for all players. A single lightning bolt used at the correct time could wipe you out, and then knock you off the course.

This one I'm sort of split on.  I'd like it to be more like Smash Bros. where you have the option to control the frequency of all the items.  That way competitive gamers can disable the rubber-band powerups and have a more skill-based game.

Unlike your assertion, I myself believe that snaking isn't a guarnteed win, nor do I believe that it is a game breaking mechanic.

I feel its fairly easy to accomplish, however, I feel it is far more difficult to accomplish than anything else in the game.

It's obvious why this feature was originally added to the game. It was to add depth and evolve the game, along with the removal of the feather powerup, and to help balance the game more around player control than pure luck of powerups.

I think drifting was added to allow the player to drift skillfully around turns, not down straights.  They just overdid the boost is all.

That's the crux. Rubberband powerups(still a staple) can make playing worse than your opponent, give a smart player a distinct advantage.

But that's a problem with the item system.  I'd rather they fix that problem the way I described above than try to compensate for it by introducing an exploitative mechanic.

I basically can't understand your argument, I guess. While the drift isn't a perfect mechanic, I adamantly believe the game would lose far more from removing drifting, than it would gain from removing snaking. I think drifting is the best advancement ever added to the series.

Hearing someone say drifting ruins the game, just doesn't make sense, because if you hate drifting, then undoubtedly you hated the previous games, which all had drifting. Why is it so suprising and shocking that this game once again has drifting, which is basically what the game is.

To me, it's like saying "Oh, this zelda game is gonna have a boomerang? That's just silly." I'm not hearing "it's getting old" I'm hearing "the game sucks with drifting."

Obviously, most of you seem to be fans of the series, and I would wager that you would also be buying this game, drifting or not.

I think we're closer in our opinions on this than it might seem from the argument.  Like I said, I don't mind drifting if they just tone down the boost so that you go faster on straights by going straight.  The series has always had drifting since the SNES, but on the SNES, it wasn't advantageous to "snake" by drifting back and forth along the entire track, only around tight corners.

It also seems to me that the snaking aspect is one of the reasons I like Mario Kart, and not other racers. I am not a fan of the power block system or the luck system to be honest. However, in Mario Kart, unlike in other games, when I'm going around corners, or in straight aways, I have something else to press besides gas and break. That is snaking and drifting. It is a fun combination of buttons and a gameplay mechanic that you can take or leave, but the option is there, for timed runs.

It's a fun little mechanic that the online kids like to use to be competitive. I personally, don't want Nintendo to mess up the games mechanics, to pander to the online crowd.

What one person could see as pandering to the online crowd, another could see as improving the experience for the vast majority of their customers.  What I don't want is to see them pander to the smaller number of players who enjoy snaking.

We're alread taking a big step with the wheel and Wii remote here. The less they mess with the actual gameplay portions, the better. Taking away this mechanic without adding something to replace it would make the game less appealing to me.

Either way, it'll almost definatly have snaking, it'll almost definately sell millions and millions of copies, and n00bs will almost definately get raped. That's how Mario Kart works. The end.

My responses in bold above.  BTW, props to you for engaging in the most civil disagreement I've had in weeks.  :)