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Pokemonbrawlvg said:
Maybe one of the crazist rumors you'll hear... it seems that the Wii U is using... wait for it... Blu-ray! And that the disc might be 50GB large!

- Third-parties studios are currently receiving Wii U "Blu-ray" readers, writers, and discs
- demos at E3 are to be on discs, as per Nintendo's requests
- there was a delay in the shipping of this equipment, which had devs waiting a few weeks
- they didn't came with the latest dev kits
- the latest dev kits still have the disc drive separate
- No confirmation nor denial of 50GB discs capacity
- Wii U units at E3 2012 will include optical drives
- Wii U games were developed on dev kits linked to a host pc (running the SDK, the development tools, etc.)
- it's possible the access/loading times were emulated
- Wii U dev kit sizes have stayed mostly the same during development
- future dev kit versions may have the disc drive included in the hardware

Strictly speaking they won't be Blu-Ray discs in the same way that Wii titles aren't DVDs. Nintendo will use a proprietry format as they did with the Wii, with the OS not having the codecs neccessary to play DVD and Blu-Ray films. If they do the same thing they did with the Wii we'll probably see single layer discs having a 25GB capacity and later on down the line we'll see a firmware update allowing the use of dual or perhaps even triple layer discs.

It'll be a Blu-Ray disc in everything but name pretty much.

As for Blu-Ray writers that's pretty standard. Dev kits and test kits will run titles from bog standard writable Blu-Rays in the same way that Wii dev kits and test kits can run titles from bog standard writable DVDs.