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Metallicube said:
JEMC said:

^Six games from Ubisoft fro the WiiU?

I know/remember Assassins Creed, Rayman, Just Dance, Ghost Recon Online and Killer Freaks. Which is the other one?

And, will they have an ace up in their sleeve to show during Nintendo's conference?

I believe Rabbids was one of their announced games, or could just be a rumor.. Even if it is though I have a feeling it's true. Or maybe Red Steel 3? O_o

I gotta say, Ubisoft is impressing me with their Wii U lineup right out the gate. Assassin's Creed 3, Rayman, and Killer Freaks should all seem like potentially great games. Though they had a lot of stuff out the gate for Wii too, but most of it sucked. Hopefully they learned their lesson.

No, they haven't said anything about Rabbids yet, although we know they will appear on Rayman Legends thanks to that leaked video.

And I completely forgot about Red Steel! But I don't know if they will use that franchise, they second one didn't sell well and now with the new controller I don't think they'll go with swords again. Killer Freaks is their new Red Steel.

Please excuse my bad English.

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