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celine said:
prlatino86 said:
celine said:
prlatino86 said:

Look up the Videogame Crash of 1983. that should make more sense of why these things are not necessarily a good thing.

Videogames Crash '83 causes :

- Flood of bad games even ( or especially ? ) from first party ( Atari ). For bad games I meant games that were clearly shallow even for casual users ( the hardcore users at that time were on computer gaming side only ). Atari didn't have the controlling power over what was released on its platform. ( A situation very different from nowadays Wii )

- Massive price war by computer company of that time ( especially by Commdore ) that hurt badly the sales of Atari 2600 and other console.

- Incapacity by Atari to offer after a couple of years new interest on its console system line of products.

So overall the great crash was caused by the mismanagement of Atari as a company that brought an unhealthy market for console gaming ( this is not the case with Wii/DS business model ).

After the crash the only company that believed in console gaming ( Nintendo ) kicked the ass of 16 bit computer using tecnology of '70. At that time hardcore gamers from computer gaming blamed the new wave brought by Nes and mocked Nes games as NON-GAMES. Funny, no ?


umm, i really dont see where i compared that to the Wii or Nintendo in general, so i have no idea why your trying to rebuttal me on a point i never made.

Well Nintendo is a part of console gaming industry and currently IMHO has a great and healthy business model so I don't understand why you cited crash '83 ( caused by a bad business model like I said above ) to prove your point.

Like fkusumot pointed out, console gaming exited even stronger from that crash thanks to Nintendo.

 True, but just because Nintendo has a strong Business model now, doesnt mean they wont make mistakes.  Jesus, none of these companies are infallible, and as much as Nintendo brought it out of the crash, it wasnt that long ago that Nintendo was barely making it in the industry (Gamecube, anyone?)

Hell, they said just a couple of years ago Sony was doing great, and that it looked like they were destined to take the lead with their plan and business model.   Look where they are now.  

ANYWAYS, i cited the Crash only to make a point that over saturation can be a bad thing.  How the hell did i get off on this tangent, haha.