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SS is by far my favorite game, so it has nothing to do with the quality of the game. Atleast in SS I can finaly stop blindly spaming ''A!A!A!A!'' to kill monsters or when it come to TP ''Waggle!waggle!waggle!''. Don't get me wrong, I loved TP, I loved every Zelda games, but IMO SS is the best.

ppl abandoned the wii for realistic ''cool'' HD games. ppl are super excited about that wii u demo cause its realistic. I think it is extremely immature to judge a game by its artstyle. Some ppl feel like they are cool badass grownman when they play realistic and dark games with blood. So TP sold alot cause it is ''dark''.

Also you need M+ to play SS, i know it turned off atleast one of my friend.

TP has been a Nintendo select for atleast 2years now. Meaning you can buy it for only 19$. That game sold alot since, TP didnt sell as fast as SS but it had crazy legs, it is still selling right now as we speak. I'm sure SS will sell for a while, but it won't have as much legs cause the wii era is over.

When WW came out ppl hated it. ppl were whinning about the artsyle and how much it wasnt as good as OoT. Few years later, after TP came out, it suddenly became 1 of the best zelda games (deserved). In 2 to 4 years when Zelda Wii U will come out, the nostalgia for SS will kick in and it will be remembered as one of the best Zelda games.

Finaly, when SS came out, it faced competition from CoD *spit on the ground*, Batman:AC, Skyrim, UC3, GoW3 and more, despite that it still managed to sell faster than TP. I dont remember what TP had for competition at the time but atleast at the time ppl were willing to play games other than freaking shooters like CoD.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)