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The secret of good multiplayer games is that they need to be balanced, think about Starcarft, where all objects/tactics/creatures are strong against some and weak against others.

The rock paper scissors mentality.

In Mario Kart, everything is balanced, all items, the fact that they're given depending on your position during the race and so on...


Snaking is a really cool feature, that rewards dedicated players, and it makes sense during corners, but it's not balanced.

A balanced tactic/object needs to have weakness as well as strengths, if you want a blue shell you will probably have to be 8th or 7th on the position.

With Snaking there are no weakness, and that breaks the rock paper scissor mentality.

That makes the game boring, as it makes any other tactic/item redundant.

It doesn't matter that you chunk a lighting bolt and then a blue shell to a guy, if he snakes, he will always be first.

I'm not fond of doing it, but if people like doing it, fine, do it.

I don't care what the rest of the population does, but please don't say that it is a tactic to punish n00bs because it's not, it's not a glitch either, it is part of the game, but not one that 90% of the population, and probably the ones that started on the SNES, enjoy.

Good multiplayer experiences are balanced.

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