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prlatino86 said:
Im not talking about a specific genre of game dying here. That idea i understand perfectly, i totally understand that.

I guess theres a few ways it could effects consoles. Think of the industry as a whole. With consoles, theres a certain limitation. If everything becomes "LCD" made for consoles, you may have stagnation in the market. With increased costs of production for consoles and gaming in general, this is becoming more and more a reality. Its been talked a lot about recently that developers are less likely to take risks, essentially making the market stale.

Not to mention more and more the oversaturation of the market. Look at this past christmas season, with the amount of competition with software. Theres been a quite a few people ive heard say they just straight ran out of money and werent able to buy the games they wanted because too many options.

All this could lead to a similar problem the Music and Movie industry is having with decreased sales. While they say its piracy, a lot of others just say because they keep releasing crap and people are getting sick of it. But thats pure speculation there.

Another issue is with increasing knowledge and simplicity of PCs, including decreasing prices (I used to build custom made PCs, while most people dont see the trend, it is actually the case), and now people are more knowledgable about computers then they were a couple of years ago, PCs may once again become a bigger player in the gaming world.

In reality, ignoring the price of a Monitor, speakers and keyboard, you can build an extremely well suited gaming PC for the price it costs to buy a PS3 80 gig right now, AND it be more capable, and have more uses. I say without the monitor and speakers, but before anyone jumps on me about that, does the price of a PS3 include a TV and stereo/surround sound system?

Also, now that you have a lot of mulitplats being released on PC as well, with superior graphics and lower prices, many people may be compelled to stick with PC gaming in the near future.

This is all speculation. Main thing is its all a piece of a bigger picture, of what people have been talking about with the way the industry is moving, towards a blander, less risk, repetitious market.

PS: im not going to get into a discussion of the Wii and my last little comment in this post. Yes, the Wiis control is an innovation, but it doesnt necessarily make the games innovating.

 I don't know. I can't follow the logic of your argument. You keep sticking in strange pieces of information that don't seem to apply. For instance your comment about people running out of money because there were too many games that they wanted. That doesn't sound like it's really a bad situation for a gamer. It would seem worse to have enough money to buy games but have no games that you wanted to buy.

  You follow up the "saturation" comment with something about declining sales in the music and movie industry. I don't think the decline was preceded by a glut of great artistic masterpieces. I'm not sure what type of speculation you were making there. 

  On to PC's, you comment that they are becoming more accessible. That's a good thing, right? I'm not sure how that figures into your OP.