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Big meh from me.

FB started out at 38 a share and is now at 30.50 bc it was overhyped as an investment. This is wall street becoming rational again. And FB has made remarkable growth but future growth looks doubtful as google+ has grown to almost 200 million accounts, and msft isn't far from putting out its own social media service. Google and msft will assrape Facebook bc they have the capital to add things like maps, integrate their own services, email, video, etc into it. Google also adds to logged in users search results some of google+ threads matching the search parameters. So, it feeds more users into google+ without having to advertise. Soon, google will be feeding more people in through android apps, an area that Facebook has been criticized for moving slow in. Msft and GOOG have this. The two giants win by assrape.

Sorry, FB.