Ryan of the clan McSpurgeon suggested I re-introduce myself. So here I am. I'm Mothman and I was playing arcade games in bars long before many of you were even a twinkle in your parents eyes.
I tend to buy everything and I don't play favourites. Preferred genres, RPGs, Adventure, classic Survival Horror. The only current system I do not own is the Vita because:
1. it is too much money,
2.there aren't enough games I'm interested in.
3. I'm unemployed at the moment.
To be truthful it's more #3 than the others since I picked up a 3DS on day one and there were just so many great games to choose from. Did I mention I'm a sarcastic bastard? :D
So I'm old, sarcastic, often grumpy and I love video games, beer, music, beer, pop culture in general and beer. I don't post here too often but I will chime in if I feel like it.