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HappySqurriel said:

I always wonder how "Terrorists" can be so incompetent to actually get caught before they perform their attack ...

If you choose your targets wisely, you can choose pieces of critical infastructure that is poorly defended against attack and can have serious consequences if damaged. As an example, in many cities in North America have electrical infastructure which can be damaged to the level of being difficult to repair in a timely fashion with a stick of dynamite or a pipe-bomb; if the attack was well timed (say the day before a blizzard, cold spell, or heat wave) you can knock out electricity for an entire city for a week or longer, kill hundreds (or thousands) of people indirectly, and cause massive terror.

How could you possibly catch someone who can attack you with small quantities of explosives which can be produced using readily available chemicals?

 Unfortunetly this isnt exactly the case as most electrical grid are fairly redundant, and the points you talk about are actually extremely well guarded.