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- Demon's Souls, though I did get to play its sequel on the 360 so no harm done there really. It's tough as crap, and from what I hear it's actually EASIER than Demon's Souls, so maybe it's for the best I wasn't able to play this one. I'd probably have at least one broken controller and a broken window by now.

- Uncharted 2  and 3 looks like great games, despite its cut scene heavy nature.

- And Tales of Graces - was looking forward to this on the Wii for some time, and Namco totally snubbed us. Then for an extra kick in the nuts, they go and release in for the PS3 in America.

- Maybe Little Big Planet. Always have a soft spot for 2D platforming, and I like the concept of making your own levels. Though the controls seem a little too floaty.

Those are really the only PS3 exclusives I would really want to play.