BHR-3 said: my point of view cant tell any differences right away but the brow wrinkle and eye spacing, lighting has nothing to do with the model. in reality dont even care if they made these small changes and dont know what the fuss is about, i dont like little girls and shes not the main or playable character of the game.
i agree about the cross eyed part, left eye's off i think it could be b/c of NDs engine and its not intentional, i mean it cant even do long hair models, notice all the female charters in UC1-3 have short hair or do not have there hair down? and now the same with ellie, you can praise ND all you want but in my eyes if you cant do female hair properly and have to disguise it every time in all your games. . . then i dont care about you |
So you don't care about a developer...because their games lack girls with their hair down. Odd