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Neos said:

Michael Trent Reznor, or just commonly referred to as Trent Reznor is a worldwide known genius (mostly by older people in the 20's-30's). He made people like Marilyn Manson to what they are today (big stars). He knows when he sees talent, because when you have it yourself, you know what it takes. I, myself, am a big fan of him and his project nine inch nails, i got lots of merchandise (Posters/Cd's, etc) but i still feel i haven't give enough love to him yet. The world needs to know what talent exists on this planet, before it's too late (Heith Ledger comes to mind).

- Trent Reznor, living legend.

Frankly, I myself had never heared of the band till spring last year. The band doesn't have many music videos up (well they do have but since it's not mainstream music, the mainstream channels won't broadcast it either, seems logical huh) (atleast in my country this is the fact)

But at one day i was watching world of warcraft movies (back then i still played the game) and i heared this song, i couldn't fit it in a genre yet it felt so amazing. The energy put in the music was unknown for me till that moment. I immediatelly checked out youtube and myspace of the band to check out some other songs and it was more or less a love at first sight. Every album has new sound attached to it, made with different feelings , but in the end they all come from the same brilliant man, Trent Reznor.

I ended up listening to songs from (probably) the most known album (and it also became my favorite) : The Fragile. From that day to today i still listen to every song of the band, atleast once a day. Why? Because i need to. The sound the music has gives me this feeling the world is a lot shittier than it seems, we all need to realize that. It also shows me that the pop music that is populair nowadays, is actually, crap. the 70's and 80's got musicians that had talent, and fully showed it in all its glory, but year after year i see talent slowly fading away. Pop artists like Rihanna or the PCD's are well known these days, but why do people like them? Simple, it sounds good. They often have catchy tunes attached to them in a videoclip with a bigbreasted girl or a goodlooking guy.

But im going offtopic a bit, since this thread is dedicated to my idol. So how do you call the music he makes? Some call it industrial, others call it electronic rock/metal. I just like to call it artistic, because it is just a form of art.

Looking at nine inch nails one would say it isn't really a band. It's just Trent himself and every 2 year or so he finds himself other people that have talent and go tour and make music with them. So basically he is the only consistent member of the band, his project.

I haven't seen any live performances yet, simply because all of my friends don't like the music and have their own tastes (which i respect ofcourse), but looking at the youtube performances showing the Year Zero tour i was really astonished at how much energy he produces with it. I find it to be full of awesomeness and one of my wishes would be to once see a live performance by then, even if it is just one song, i don't care.

What i want to achieve with this? I just want to show a lot of people that have never heared of this band to see what they have missed ; Art.

Heres one of my favorite studio performances. Sorry Machina-AX, i know you dislike this one =D

Nine Inch Nails - The Becoming (From the album Still)




I hope you enjoyed my little story and are willing to give a chance to his man, because he deserves much much more than what he has now.

 Alright now I find many problems with your tribute to Trent, and this is coming from a HUGE Nine Inch Nails fan. I believe that Trent is an incredible musician, his ability to create sounds and effects that thrill me are incredible. My ability to appreciate music is amplified by what he creates. That being said, he is not the only talented fish in the music sea. 


There are incredible pop artists that exist today that actually do have incredible talent.

What? Popular music that is actually good? You lie Alexie!

 It's true! It is a differant kind of music but that doesnt make it any less thrilling. John Mayer is one of the most talented artists in the industry, watching his evolution from Room For Squares, to Heavier Things, and then to his greatest album Continuum, he proves that he not only makes good music, but that he grows up. 

Another great mention is Kanye West. Yes, hes kinda ful of himself, and yes, hes and idiot for comparing himself to jesus, but that doesnt make him any less talented. When you get an artist who is able to create a hip hop, or rap album that I ENJOY, is a remarkable event indeed. Mr. West is the only person in the hip-hop community worth mentioning.

Now of course there are lesser known DJ's, to lesser known metal bands, that are amazing as well, but they arent main stream like Mayer and West. I could make a couple other examples (in fact I'll make one more, Beck), but you get the point. There is real talent out there that is mainstream. 

 Trent is an incredible artist and is quite possibly my favorite musician of all time (not sure yet), that doesnt make him perfect. Neither are the other artists I mentioned, but like Reznor they have TALENT. That is what all of my rambling is about I guess. 

His most known CD btw is The Downward Spiral, though I'm not sure if its my favorite, I love With Teeth. Uhh WITH A TEETH A........

 I am pretty sure the Closer is his most well known song as well, if not Closer than Only. Only got a lot of time on the American music scene, in Music video and radio plays. 

Xbox Live Gamertag - Deathscythe X

AIM SN - Alexie Di Onie