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Baalzamon said:
Clearly you weren't able to figure it out Prof (or you just didn't say it).

Step 1: NintendoPie is a noob (no offense, the simple truth is you haven't played much, I sucked at first too)

Step 2: I was going after NintendoPie yesterday, and he in turn turned it into the thought that I was mafia

Step 3: Who else would NintendoPie target but the person he thought was mafia.

So my thoughts on this?
Well, it would make perfect sense that NintendoPie would go after me. This gives me a strong town vibe for him. It does not guarantee he is town, but if he isn't, he is receiving some hardcore coaching from the mafia team (I simply don't believe he alone is capable of pulling something tricky off early in his mafia career if he is a member of the mafia).

Also, Prof, if you could please name claim now, that would be much appreciated.

Oh, that's what you meant before... Well now NinPie is very unlikely to be mafia unless you both are

Baalzamon said:
Based on the strong town vibe, I do strongly urge you two to get your votes off of Ninpie, however.

Yeah neither vote really meant anything. prof was just trying to push his agenda. nen's I don't like; need to read his posts throughly when i get around to it.

supermario128 said:
DanneSandin said:
Oh god damn... What, that's like 6 votes on me?

I didn't wanna say anything about my role - but I'm facing a lynch here:

My character is Samus and I'm bullet proof.

NinPie can check it tonight.

Scenario one: You are telling the truth and genuinely want NintyPie to scan your characters name.

Scenario two: NintyPie is a fellow mafia member and he will claim you are telling the truth.

Scenario three: You are mafia and plan to kill NintyPie tonight so he will never even get a chance to prove you are scum.

Scenario four: NintyPie is mafia, while you are not. He can just say you are lying.

I'm really not sure which scenario to believe at the moment. You seem to be confused a lot, but you already explained why that was. Either that confusion is genuine or it is a charade. Saying you are bulletproof doesn't mean you are pro town since that role can fit both factions. Also, Samus is a bounty hunter. While it is likely she would be pro town, it is also possible she could be 3rd party. Either way, I am waiting to see what Prof has up his sleeves before I change my vote.


theprof00 said:
I'd like all the noobs to nameclaim.
Mantle, moreno, ninpie, outlaw, insom, smeags

I don't think some of these players would be considered noobs, but this is all your opinion... Also, I'm not sure why you want only a select few to name claim as opposed to everyone. I guess newer players are less likely to make up a believable name for their character if they are scum, but did you forget we already had our first night? I really hope you know what you are doing here because it honestly won't look good for you otherwise.

One: Possible, but we've still yet to have proof that a protaganist=town and antaganist=mafia. Even mantle's Miller claim is that of a protaganist.

Two: Unlikely, because a namecop seems mostly useless for mafia this round, which means if NinPie flips mafia I doubt he'd be a name cop and then it'd be proof that Baalz is mafia as well.

Three: Possible, but NinPie is a strong candidate for protection along with Trucks now, so killing him isn't failsafe. I do think a roleblocker is likely though, so you could susbstitute that in as a reason DS won't get scanned.

Four: That would never happen, unless it was mylo/lylo. And unless hat is a horrible mod, there's no way that's happeneing day three.

Hmmm a BP SK would be possible, but then surely DS will scan guilty or could be tracked/watched. That being the case, I don't think there's good reason to lynch him today.

@bolded: Nice to see you aren't as bad at this as I thought.

morenoingrato said:
NintendoPie said:
morenoingrato said:
morenoingrato said:
Wow, finished catching up.

I'm not that comfortable with prof acting the way he is, but still.

Little Sister, Bioshock.

From the little I know about Bioshock, I think they are troubled but only want to be happy, and you can choose to save them or kill  them in the game, and that will affect if they are evil or good in the ending.

Hm. Do you think that explains your Role at all?

Deep down inside, they are good, but that is irrelevant to my townie role.

Well you just denied this, but it really seems like you're hinting at an SK that could be turned town by a psychiatrist. Dear psychiatrist should you exist, you have a target for tonight.

In the meantime I'll settle for a lie detector question. Did you target Rol for a kill and/or janitor night 1?