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I may have missed it but I'm pretty sure for some odd reason no one in this thread has posted what is easily the most impressive picture.

Anyone who sees that and isn't impressed or thinks it doesn't look much better than this generation must be crazy lol. The particle effects are utterly amazing.

Oh and also people need to keep in mind that from statements coming from Nintendo and Epic I would say it is all but confirmed that UE4 is on Wii U (fish meet water and all that). People forget that a big issue with the Wii wasn't that it was under'powered' it was that it was using outdated architecture and a lot of modern techniques simply couldn't be done on it. This meant getting UE3 on it was just too much work. This is why you saw mobile devices that weren't very powerful but had modern architecture able to support UE3 mobile.

All indications for the Wii U are that it will be a bare minimum of 2x more 'powerful' than the 360. But that 3x or more is far more likely. However that's not the most important part. It's that this time it will actually be able to handle modern functions. Wii U will see a version of UE4 (likely stripped down a bit and obviously not as amazing as these screens)

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.