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Here's the test:

Apparently it's a copy of the Raven's Progressive Matrice test. I took it and it seems official. Here's some background info for the test:

"Raven’s Progressive Matrices (often referred to simply as Raven's Matrices or RPM) are multiple choice tests of abstract reasoning, originally developed by Dr John C. Raven in 1936. In each test item, a person is asked to analyze a geometric pattern and identify the missing piece. After a few very easy inital patterns, the subsequent geometric patterns are 3x3 matrices (giving the test its name).

According to their author—and corroborated by decades of research—Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary tests measure the two main components of general intelligence (originally identified by Charles Spearman): the ability to think clearly and make sense of complexity, which is known as educative ability, and the ability to store and reproduce information, known as reproductive ability.

The RPM is a completely non-linguistic and non-mathematical test: there are no letters, no numbers, just patterns of geometric shapes. For this reason it can be used with non-English speakers. The RPM has been used in many cultures and languages around the world, and research has shown that it is culturally neutral. Adequate standardization, ease of use (without written or complex instructions), and minimal cost per person tested are the main reasons for its widespread international use in many countries around the world."

Source of the background info:
Link to the test:

Take it. I think it's legit!