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Last time I know of that a fan sent in detailed quality video game concepts, the ideas got used, sure, but no credit for said fan was ever given.

In the summer of 1997, said fan had a dream in which he was playing Super Mario 64, but it wasn't exactly Super Mario 64. He was running around in front of Mushroom Castle, but all the grass areas were straight drops down, with winding walkways weaving throughout. He was playing Mario, but he was fighting against Wario, Metal Mario, and a few random baddies in this area. Then, at one point in time, he triggered some change, and Mario, Wario, Metal Mario, and Luigi appeared in a much smaller arena, where they duked it out. Mario arose victorious, and appeared back in the main level in the same place he was before, gaining a star for it.

He woke up, forgot about it at first, then later in the day remembered it and thought he'd been playing some new Mario game. When he figured out there was no game there, he realized that it was a dream - this game didn't exist - and he sat down to type it all out, fleshing it out with more new ideas. The game was to be a Mario game, featuring a wide variety of Mario characters, battling it out in a variety of Mario-themed battle arenas. After a certain type of trigger, they would be taken into a smaller mini-arena, in which they would be tasked with a number of different tasks to win prizes, including stars.

He wrote out a number of other smaller ideas, then in August, 1997, mailed the idea to NoA. About a month later, NoA wrote him back and thanked him for his ideas, but said they have people they pay to do this sort of thing and maybe he could look for a job with them when he got older.

16 months later, Mario Party came out, utilizing the vast majority of the ideas he'd mentioned. And every single idea that wasn't used in Mario Party? Featured in another first-party Nintendo game coming the next year, Super Smash Bros.

Now, it could be a coincidence, but it's an awfully significant one... Guy doesn't have the original .doc file available anymore (he was 12 at the time! Didn't even occur to him to make sure it had a backup), so he can hardly prove anything. But with how every single idea was used, it seems doubtful that it was at least entirely a coincidence. Perhaps Nintendo was working on a concept and these last few ideas were what they needed to carry it through. Or perhaps some hireling at NoA saw it as a chance to rise to the top and stole the ideas. Who knows? It'll never be proven either way.

But, as the letter said, unless you actively work for Nintendo, you can kiss the chances of being credited for your ideas goodbye.
