Hello, I'm TheKoreanGuy. I guess for short you can call me TKG or Korean.... yeah anything is fine. Pretty sure I have the only username with 'korean' in it.
Yes, I am really 100% Korean and proud of it :). I eat kimchi and bibimbap erryday.
Nintendo was my life when I was kid. I've owned every Nintendo console since the snes. Handheld-wise I owned all of them starting with Gameboy Color.
Later I adopted some Sony into my life as I got older starting with the PS2. Actually my cousin just gave it to me so I can thank him for bringing me into Sony.
Currently I am in college studying for medical/professional school. I have busy periods but I try to visit this site when I can.
I've frequented the site in the past for sales data but only recently decided to make an account. So far, it is a pretty friendly community! I hope to befriend more of you guys in the future.
Thank you for your time.