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The best way to look at a role playing game is to picture yourself as assuming the role of a character and creating a story while following a formal system of rules/guidelines with a numerical system. Old school dungeons & dragons is the best example...and that's what you do. RPG's involve (or should) imagination, character roles, set of guidelines, numerical gameplay (although often hidden in a console game), etc. You should be able to shape the outcome to a degree (which you can't in most JRPG's).

Now I think that the meaning of RPG as been altered significantly with the advent of Final Fantasy and other JRPG's (which I honestly prefer--I prefer the linear, layed out storyline and assuming the role of a pre-rendered character, but most don't).

I have a hard time swallowing many of the "modern" RPG's. Like Folklore, you have no creativity, no story making, no numerical combat, no will over the outcome, and little customization & upgrading--yet it is an "Action" RPG (Not a bad game--actually sort of enjoy it and it has a nice story to tell). Too Human looks like it is pushing the bounds of being an RPG too. A blend between a God of War (Action) and a Diablo/Baldur's Gate (RPG)--how far can you blend before it crosses that boundary of no longer being an RPG? Time will tell when I play it.

Anyhow, the point is...some people like JRPG's and some people like SRPG's and some people like WRPG's...each console has its own strengths in each category and its flagship RPG's. RPG has become a fairly broad term lately and can be interpreted differently pretty easily. It's old school D&D (which I use to love to play...damn I'm old) definition doesn't necessairly work for it anymore--the term RPG has to be adaptable to a degree...So different interpretations doesn't mean one person is right and another is wrong. Hence the titles...WRPG/ARPG & JRPG/SRPG, etc. Each console meets the needs of different RPG fans, differently.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450