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Out of the dumpster Mr. Kitten emerged. He had a good night sleep. On his way to Cooking Mama's Diner to grab some breakfast,  Investigators were inspecting the scene of a nearby pharmaceutical store. Mr Kitten overheard the nice policeman talking about the disappearance of the lovely employee, "it's such a shame, I hope she's alright." one of the detectives said.

Splattered brains and a bullet hole in the wall suggested otherwise.


Rolstoppable was Murdered

Rolstoppable was Janitored


Mr. Kitten continued on to the diner where he had his scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee with a hint of catnip. "That should get my morning started!" ... The hooded man across from Mr. Kitten was unamused, and all he would say is, "R-E-UNI-ON..."


Day 2 Start

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson