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So I know that people probably come in here advertising stuff all the time, but this is not really what I am trying to do, so I appologize if this makes anyone mad.

I am just here to give everyone the heads up about a Smash Bros. IRC channel the has been created. It is really awesome to be able to chat in real time with a bunch of Smash heads, and there is even a second channel to set up matches and such, when the game comes out. We are trying to get more people to head in and chat, so anyone who is interested, here is the info:



CLICK HERE to be taken to a java chat (in your internet window), bypassing any of the following steps!


We ALSO have quite a few people with Mario Kart Wii and are always looking for new challengers!  We have a great time racing and talking about the races after, so stop by and check it out.

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. This will boost and help the smash board's community and the other smashbros brawl communities. Basically it's a huge chat room where there will be game posted 24/7. So you can practically play with skilled people any time.

1. Starting up ^^

a. Go to (read the tutorial). Sign up. And you will receive an email and this will come in handy later on in the tutorial.

b. Go to and click download mIRC. Then click download mIRC.

c. When you setup mIRC you will see this (you can choose to register if you want if not wait till the continue button shows up)

d. It will bring you to this screen. Enter your name, and email and nick name and uncheck invisible.

e. Click on the servers option. Add. And add the server (same ports and everything)

f. Click on the Options option. Then click on the perform option. Type this info in the box. (If you're only going to be using the gamesurge server choose all networks if you want. If not you can choose gamesurge your self. )

/authserv auth (gamesurgeaccount) (password) *type this in for your gamesurge account without the "()" type in the password the email gave you and use the nick that you signed up on gamesurge with.*

/join #smashscrim *fastmatch/scrim channel*
/join #smashtourny *tournament channel*
/join #findsmashpartner *findsmashpartner*
/join #smashworld *general chat*

It doesn't matter what order it is in.

What this procedure does is that it automatically makes you joins these channels when starting up mirc also it logs into your gamesurge account automatically

g. After that, click connect option and click connect to server. And it should bring you too all the channels that's discussed on this thread. GOOD LUCK. Have fun. If you need any help. Just aim me at differen7style


Getting on the IRC Channel
a. Step 1: Create an account
Go to to create an account.

b. Step 2: Install Chatzilla Firefox Plugin (if you don't already have an IRC client)
Go to and install Chatzilla (requires Firefox). Make sure you go to Chatzilla preferences and make that consistent with your account (more detail soon...).

c. Step 3: Connect to a channel
Just click on one of the following:
irc:// chat)
irc:// (scrimmage channel)
irc:// (finding doubles partner)

3. Channels

1. #smashworld (general chat)
2. #smashscrim (smashbrosbrawl scrimmages/for fun matches)
3. #findsmashpartner (finding a partner for doubles)
4. #smashtourny(daily tournaments)

4.Why Is IRC better than Message boards for scrimmages or (for fun matches) ?

1. It's better than Forums or message boards
2. You can reply faster.
3. You can actually chat in real time or talk on a ventrillo server

5.Registering & Creating Scrims(For Fun Matches)

a. Step 1.

Use This Guide Join The Smash Bros Brawl Channel
First you sign up on
Then you will recieve an email from
The email will give you directions on how to login into your account on IRC

b. Step 2.

Type this in the dialog server status window after you finished step 1
/join #smashscrim

c. Step 3.
Creating a Game

The standard format for the scrim posting is

(Players) / Settings / Stage or Level/REGION&Country

Players - Number of Players for the Match
Settings - If your going to use No-Items(No-I) or Lightning Mode(Fast) or Final Smash Balls(FSB), or even damage settings and stocks/times(S/T) and etc.
Stage or Level - Choose the Stage (corneria,bridge of eldin, your pick, etc.
Region - This will Ensure you who your playing with so you get the best latency or ping

d. After You Send(make) the Room the Message

When you create a game, people will send you a PrivateMessage you and you will tell them a seperate channel
like #brawlscrim2345 or something like that

e. Reasons for a Seperate channel
- You can chat in real time
- Multiple users can join(just limit 4)
- You can get the brawl codes faster and easier.

f. Examples

1v1 / NO-I/NO-FSB/3S(threestock)/ Battlefield/UK

Doubles=2 Wiis ( In Which You Use 2 Wiis, that means 2 People On Each Wii)
2v2 = 4 Wiis ( In which You Use 4 Wiis, that means 4 Individuals with Wiis)

Doubles / NO-I/FSB/5m(5minute)/ Delfino Plaz or DP./East-USA

2v2 / NO-I/FSB/5S(fivestock) / Onett /Central-USA

(When You Create or Join a 2v2 brawl scrim you must tell your teammate or whoever you want to teamup with to join the channel)

FFA / Items/FSB/5S(fivestock) / Corneria / West-USA

6.Joining a Game

a. Clicking the Name
You click the name who posted the game
and a private message box shows up

b. Stating to Join
You are going to say "here!" or "lets play" something among those sorts
You - Here! or Lets BATTLE!

c. Join this Channel!
Player - Ok the channel is #brawlscrim23455 (unless your doing 1v1 then you can chat in the Private Message Box)
You - Ok!

d. Joining a Channel
Double Click that channel to join or type this in your dialog box /join *channel*

*Type* /join #brawlscrim23455

e. Exchanging Codes
Then you will Exchange Brawl Codes and play the game. look below for examples



(if you don't know hwo to join a game, see reference for joining a game)

For Example

untitledname - HERE!
crossjeremiah - (brawl code)
untitledname -(brawl code)

once each other enters brawl code then they say ready and join the game


(if you don't know how to join a game, see reference for joining a game)

For Example

type in /join #(thechanneltheytoldyou)

crossjeremiah - (brawl code)
untitledname - (brawl code)

once each other enters brawl code then they say ready and join the game


(if you don't know hwo to join a game, see reference for joining a game)

For Example

type in /join #(thechanneltheytoldyou)

crossjeremiah - i'm with randomguy1
randomguy2- i'm with Pancakeman
crossjeremiah - (brawl code)
randomguy1 - (brawl code)
randomguy2 - (brawl code)
Pancakeman - (brawl code)

when everyone entered each others brawl code (if the case is that you need all codes to play 3 people instead of having one and the other 3 joining. )

crossjeremiah -rdy
randomguy1 - rdy
randomguy2 - rdy
PancakeMan- rdy

then you join the game.


(if you don't know hwo to join a game, see reference for joining a game)

For Example

type in /join #(thechanneltheytoldyou)

crossjeremiah - (brawl code)
randomguy1 - (brawl code)
randomguy2 - (brawl code)
randomguy3 - (brawl code)

when everyone entered each others brawl code (if the case is that you need all codes to play 3 people instead of having one and the other 3 joining. )

crossjeremiah -rdy
randomguy1 - rdy
randomguy2 - rdy
randomguy3 - rdy

then you join the game.

When your done with your match you can choose to keep them as a friend or delete them. i recommend getting a usb keyboard for entering wii codes.

6.Finding a your double

a. I dont have anyone...
You Can Join #findsmashpartner if you don't have a partner for 2v2

- in that channel your going to ask who wants to teamup or w/e


crossjeremiah - need 1 EAST
private message comes in

randomguy15 - I will ^_^l

b. This is Where We Meet
When you join a 2v2 Match tell him the channel of the match so he/she join

7. Performing

This is for you people who dislike typing /authserv auth "name" "pw" everytime you join.

a. For MIRC (regularVersion)



3. type these commands in the message box.

/authserv auth (username) (password)
/join #smashworld
/join #smashscrim
/join #findsmashpartner

There you will never have to authserv again.


This will create a huge boost in the community like meeting new people and creating rivals.
Also You Can do Voice Chat with Ventrillo or any voicechatting program. You have to provide the voicechat server your self.

1-31-08 (smash release) THE #smashscrim channel will ban anyone who text flood with more than 3 lines per 60 secs. This is to kick out spammers and people who abuse the chat system. If you want to chat then join #smashworld. Though I won't be using the channel at that time because i'm getting the USA version I have taught people who bought the J-A-P version to use the smashscirm channel.

but i'll still monitor the channel even though i won't have the game yet

Note - This is not a tournament its a channel that will be up 24/7 for people who want to play from the forums or goodies anytime you like. its a great way to warm up before matches. but we will have tournaments organized soon.


PM me if you have any questions!