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Jay520 said:
JustThatGamer said:
I'll wait for some actual gameplay before I praise the games graphics, the game itself looks as generic and boring as hell tbh, another B-movie wannabe game that sacrifices gameplay for spectacle with good storytelling but an awful story to tell. Uncharted has put me off Naughty Dog completely, Crash and J&D were great now they've lost all their imagination, creativity and charm, they only strive to appease graphic whores now which seems to be working fairly well.

How can people get excited over a game they haven't even seen no gameplay of? Even if the game actually looked as good as the pre-rendered in-engine cutscenes Naughty Dog love to use (which aren't that impressive and it won't anyway, the same way UC3 was pared back massively compared to the E3 demo and looks very underwhelming in-game 90% of the time) all that matters is whether or not the gameplay aspects of this GAME suck as this is a GAME not a movie, games will never compare to films not just graphically but in every quality way possible so they should always focus on gameplay above all else, something Uncharted failed miserably at and TLoU looks to repeat

Rant over, off to bed. Argue about my views amongst yourselves, I've wasted enough time.


*Sees Pullus post*
