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slowmo said:
justinian said:
Millenium said:
justinian said:

Aren't Sony's total assets about US$165bn? Regardless of the current state of their stock value.

152.77bn I believe, but I'll have to check to be sure.

So are these assets factor into the overall value of the company?

I just don't get how MS can make more profit in a year than Sony is worth. Is that just idiot talk or am I missing something


A company is only worth what someone will pay for their stock, you can have all the assests under the sun but if your assets barely cover the cost of your lending then your a substantial risk.  This risk is proving to be a serious concern now to an extent the markets are rapidly losing faith in Sony as a investment. 

I see. Thanks. I read the bolded bit to be "the cost of your borrowing" and assumed you made a typing error.

In other words I can have a bar of gold that is worth 10K but if I was in a desperate situation and potential buyers knew that I was in a desperate situation for cash they would offer and I would accept a lot less for it. Not quite a full analogy but that is almost the gist of it.