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Slimebeast said:
richardhutnik said:
Slimebeast said:
bouzane said:
"Do you realize the implications? Don't you see how radically it would change an atheist if he truly started to live as if everything is pre-determined.

You would stop thinking "Dammit, Person X why did you make Y decision", because Person X could only have made that decision and not anything else.

"Maybe I shouldn't condemn that racist, rapist or murderer and make him feel bad, his opinion is just as well based as mine is"."

Dear god slimebeast, how can you be so illogical? I'm an atheist who believes that everything is per-determined and as such, realize that if I were born under the exact same circumstances as a rapist, murderer, etc... I would turn out the same. That being said, how in the hell do you jump from a Tabula Rasa view of human development to your statement above? Please think before you type in order to avoid such asinine statements.

Illogical? I am perfectly logical in that post. I don't get your criticism.

Well, let me come back on this a second here.  The person who believes that everything is predetermined, and believes rapists and so on do it, because they were determined do so, very likely believe they are not determined to do so.  Whatever they care to think about the rapist and so on, is irrelevant in regards to how they personally act.

I am reminded of these lines from the Watchmen:


Is that what you are? The most powerful thing in the universe and you're just a puppet following a script?
We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings.



You are approaching this thread from a different angle, but I think we both are irritated that 11111THE11111 is only tying determinism to religion to make religion look bad, but ignoring the larger (and extremely difficult) implications of determinism.

People in isolation tend to think they have slam dunk arguments.  They then enter the world on a crusade, only to find that things don't go as they planned.  Apparently THE has decided he can't handle the way this goes, so he left this thread.  It ends up being hard for an individual to grasp that reality just is, whether it be logical or not.   The artifical filters for processing reality make it logical or not, and add right or wrong, and other labels on it.