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My every single 360 save got lost when I used the transfer data kit from my elite to my new slim - so that's every game prior to the 1st of January this year, lost.

Some of the ones that I am more pissed about than the rest;

Veteran campaign on COD4, had 2/3 levels left before full veteran completion. (I was doing the Safe House mission which took me an eternity to do, and was on the last stage at the farm where you need to extract at the bottom of the hill, I died about 1238128 times getting there, and trying to leave there. So I was pissed when I lost that.

Progress on Black Ops veteran campaign, done about 3 of those levels.

Dragon Age 1 - had about 3/4 saves of 20 warrior/mages and had 19 rogue I think.

Dragon Age 2 - will have to reply that abomination as well.

Mass Effect 2 Insanity perfect playthrough along with all the DLC playthroughs. Had to use the standard ME3 story template, couldn't import(rage)

Crackdown 1 & 2 5 star characters. All gone.

AC I/2/Brotherhood/Revelations

A fuckton of other game saves as well.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.