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Tony_Stark said:
Romney, Obama has not kept a single campaign promise, and has stomped on the constitution every chance he gets. He has lied to American people every chance he gets, he has proven that he hates America and everything she stands for. Romney makes be gaga, but I don't believe he is arrogant enough to usurp the constitution for political gain. Plus, we can't afford four more years of Obama.

Romney has already said that he'd vote for unconstitutional law. He said he would sign the NDAA and the Patriot Act, they're unconstitutional. He supports the Federal Reserve, that's unconstitutional. He supports the undeclared wars... guess what? They're unconstitutional.

You can't pick and choose which parts of the constitution you want to follow, that's not the rule of law. If there's something you don't like about the constitution, you go through the proper means of amending the constitution.

As for the "we can't afford four more years of Obama" - the only difference between the two is that Romney promises to repeal Obamacare (in reality, this is almost impossible politically... some of it will go, but unless there's a major shift in the Congress, a lot will stay - our only real hope is the Supreme Court ruling). Most of the cost of Obamacare is in the long run, and its costs are not the problem we have today. Without Obamacare, there's already $1.7 trillion in deficit which Romney has no meaningful plans for.