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Host: Mr. Kitten

Flavor: Random Video Game Characters



Not a vanilla mafia game (i.e not limited to basic roles)

Roles: Power Heavy. Powers will not be based on a success %.

Votes: Normal/ Majority

OP Flips: I- Lynched and Night Killed players will flip at the start of the day that follows (No immediate flips).

II- Day Kills (if any) will cause immediate flips.

Night Starts: Nights are only initiated after a lynch. No other circumstances, such as a daykill, will result in an immediate night phase.

Night Actions: You have 24 hours to send in your night action or they will be randomly decided for you.

Communication: I- Players can only post in this thread during the day. Do not post here during the night.

II- Factions, such as Mafia, Siblings, Masons, etc, can only talk during night phases in their designated quick topic. The quick topic is a safe and private thread so far as the URL for the quick topic is not shared outside private messages.




If you reveal your PM, or part of it, automatic mod kill.

Almost every protown message has the following.

"• You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated. "

or "Your weapon is your vote".

What I'm trying to say is If anyone tries to use or hint at a common phrase or sentence that is probably shared with all towns in a PM, otherwise try to break the game,I will break their face.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson