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We're talking Global, right?

Assuming NSMB2 sells at least 25m LTD (NSMB on DS sold 28m), each of the PS Vita announced games would have to at least sell 2.5m each... Looking at PSP sales charts, current PS Vita market share, 5 of the 10 games will need to at least sell 4-7 millions. Even if Monster Hunter is announced, as well as a GTA game (Top 2 PSP titles), they would have to sell 7m and 5m, respectively, again, and Vita would still need another two to three titles that are at least 3-4 millions sellers to top NSBM2... Nintendo would have to be on top of their game and continue the barrage of announcements to maintain their momentum.

If this is does happens, Malstrom would only be proven right that there really is need for more production of 2D Mario.