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It's hard to call a console "The RPG Console" because there are 2 very different types of RPGs. Western style and Japanese style. The 360 has more western style and the PS3 will have more JRPGs.

It depends on what you like. For some, myself included, western style are much more enjoyable. Japanese style aren't even RPGs to me, they aren't even at the level of Choose Your Own Adventure books. They are more like interactive movies. The story progresses the same no matter what I try to do and I never get the feeling that I am taking the role of anyone. The most they can do is try to mix up the way you tell Androgynous Male(?) Character A to hit Monster B with 900lb Steel Claws, that only seem to hit you for 2HP of damage of your 90,000, with a sword/gun/Chevy Nova bumper staff over and over again until the monster does the proper death animation and evaporates prompting the victorious Lladró party to do the same victory dance they did 50 times earlier in the same day so eventually they can be powerful enough to defeat the 98lb weakling thug that’s going to run away after they beat him up but will already have almost killed their father and will give a 5 minute speech on why he killed their father while he is exiting the 10x20 room that a dragon was just summoned in, but was seemingly nice enough to tidy up after blasting the still snappily dressed escaping villain with a slightly scaled down version of Fat Man, and the father, who evidently is immune to all the drugs/magic/power/stones that bring anyone of the party back to tip top shape from being stomped on by an apartment building with tentacles, will give his own 10 minute spiel before finally fucking dying and giving the main already angst-ridden, androgynous, male character the prompting to bring bloody vengeance to the androgynous male or waif female arch-villain who is really just a reluctant and tragic noble pawn for a greater evil that is the size of a flying USS Nimitz and has been lying in wait to destroy the planet but slaps you like he was disciplining a puppy . Some people love them and get into the stories, but I don't. I used to like them, but now they bore me.

So, the 360 is the RPG console for me since I X out all JRPGs on the list and all the western style RPGs are on it. Someone else though, may love JRPGs so that can swing it another direction.

So, "The RPG Console" is going to vary depending on personal tastes. I think it gets easier if you break down the genres because they really are very different.

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