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loadedstatement said:
Ok so here is my story. I didnt want to tell it last night because I didnt want to freak highwaystar out even more so than he was. This story is true and happened to me about 3 years ago.

In my room at home, I have a door on my ceiling. The door leads to the attic. There is a lightbulb in the attic, but I have never gotten it to work. I have changed it a bunch of times, inspected the socket, etc. and have found no problems with it. Well, one night I was 16 and watching TV in an empty house with my girlfriend (who was living with me at the time). We were laying on my bed in my room when I just happen to notice some light seeping through the cracks in the attic door. I point it out to my girlfriend and she gets really scared because she also knows that the light has never worked. Sure enough, I get out of bed and peek up at the attic and the light was very bright and shining through the cracks. Needless to say, we both refused to go to bed that night and spent the whole night watching Urban Legends (which probably made us even more freaked out). Recently in our neighborhood, we had had break-ins, robberies, vandalized porperty, etc. Anyway, my father comes home around 8 am and we tell him about our scary discovery. He thinks there is some kind of explanation and has the idea to flip every switch in the house and observe what happens. Sure enough, a switch on the opposite side of the house somehow controls the light in my attic. Relieved, my girlfriend and I go to bed and sleep soundly.

Not a very scary ending. But you can just imagine how scar it was for those couple hours. lol

so, someone fixed your lightbulb? j/k

though i can imagine how scary that would have been, when it actually happened.
but why the hell would you watch urban legends when youre that scared?
i woulda watched spongebob or something >.>

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