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Top 10 without even knowing if one of those games will be a Monster Hunter game is really ballsy. Really, that's the only game I could see coming out that has any chance of breaking this prediction. Sony simply doesn't make a game like SMB that can propel a console to greatness and its going to take the combined effort of MANY 3rd party titles to do so. However, 3rd parties will simply take their home console games and make them on PSV so you can 'take the game with you'. Not a compelling reason to buy a handheld if you ask me.

I mean if in these first 5 months it can't even break 2m in sales... Jesus that's horrible. Its not like there isn't' at least a couple decent games for the system.

Overall, I think you have a safe bet here. PSV is about $100 too expensive and needs to be a smartphone.