Metallicube said:
These interactive movies that pass for "games" that permeate the HD consoles these days are staggeringly simple. Many of them are so linear and limited in gameplay you essentially have your hand held from beginning to end. Here's the basic formula: Press a to attack! Now move forward to the next corridor... Now watch our awesome cutscene! Rinse and repeat. Ever try playing NSMB with 4 players? It's VERY difficult, as everyone gets in eachothers way and you must rely on precision and fast reflexes. Ever try the secret levels? They're brutally insane, especially if you are trying to get all the coins. Calling classic 2D Mario "casual" is an absolute travety and it shows the sad state gaming is currently in.. NSMB, along with Mario Kart is the way games should be. Just pure gameplay, no BS cutscenes, tutorials, countless dialouge, and all that extra fluff. Funny how the definition of "casual" and "hardcore" are essentially reversed of what they should be.. |
Try playing on something other than "easy". Claiming all games are corridor crawls ladden with cut scenes is just rediculous. Go play Mirror's Edge. Go play Metro 2033. Go play Medal of Honor online. Go play Dawn of War II.
NSMB is only difficult because of poor game design. LBP works well with 4 players because of a larger resolution. NSMB works with 4 players if you work in an annoyingly slow unison. Calling 2D mario casual shows how gaming has advanced and how some people aren't stuck in the past. Go tell a pro CS:S player that if he wants a challenge he should whip out a SNES.
Nario Kart is as good as broken. Incredibly strong rubber banding and a blueshell metagame. It's a complete joke. Mario karts is casual because a hardcore player can have never played it before, and after a few runs essentially break the game through it's own dated mechanics.